News & Insights

Relax – We can Help

UCM Global is the best source of expert information about all subjects related to damages on vehicles in the distribution chain around the world. This includes strategic risk, operational processes, vehicle protection, data interrogation and the use of enabling technologies.

We know how vehicles get damaged in transit and use our comprehensive claims data to identify where this happens, who’s responsible, and most importantly how this can be avoided in future through heightened awareness and improved handling processes.

We can act as either a flexible extension to your current claims and damage prevention team, be your completely outsourced partner, or just provide you with access to the cutting-edge technology that we designed, built and update every day in our quest to provide the best tools for the job!


Benefits at a glance
  • Operations on three continents
  • Dedicated claims, Risk Management and Damage Prevention specialists
  • Significant experience working with Logistics Service Providers


Let us talk you through what we can do for you.


Our Locations


North America

Asia Pacifc
